Luxury Leisure proudly offers you two concepts of German handcrafted furniture, made with great passion and feel for design by klein metalldesign GbR:
- SunDivan chaise lounge
- SoulsLounge meet-and-relax lounge

The SunDivan concept was designed to fulfill specific needs for high-end private locations, public (recreation) areas and for you as an end-user, dealer or location owner the benefits are endlessly.
Imagine a chair that will upscale any location as for looks and feel, makes people stay longer at your venue and will enjoy their leisure time as never before. Your customers will spend more at and return more often to your location. If you have to luxury of actually spending time on a SunDivan chair, you will feel better rested, get stress-free and not dizzy at all after enjoying your time in the sunshine.
One of the secrets in the patented design of the chair is the fact that your heart and knees remain at the same horizontal level at all times. This position of the human body is perfect to alleviate pain and stress, far better than all other sunbeds. Try it and you’ll know it!
Our concept is multileveled as for features and options. In total, you can choose over 1,100 different SunDivan configurations! But let’s keep it simple and just show you a few of the options available and we can always take it from there in case you want your SunDivan custom made to perfection. Call or mail for more information about pricing and conditions.
- real wood with enhanced and strengthened cell structure from Norway
- chocolate brown color
- outdoor life time warranty against rot for 30 years (!)
- certified non-tropical hardwood
- hardness level increased to levels of the best hardwoods
- safe and toxin-free
- high resistance against rot, fungi and other wood destroying micro-organisms
- real Siberian wood
- aesthetically beautiful timber with bright color
- high density (41 lb/ft3)
- resins and extractives in Larch act as natural antiseptic against insects, decay and rot
- hard wood (1,100 lb/in2 as measured by the Janka Scale)
- sustainable recourse (massive growth in Siberia!)
- low maintanance
- light brown to reddish coloured wood
- light, soft and tightly fibrou
- dries quickly
- shows a good durability
- weatherproof
- good resistance to fungus and insects
On the round pedestal (35 inches in diameter), your SunDivan is stable even under one-sided load but still remains mobile.
Set in concrete
Set in concrete
For use in public we recommend to set the pedestal in concrete. For that we'd deliver SunDivan with an anchor for the concrete foundation. Alternatively it is possible to screw SunDivan onto an available foundation.
Without Cushion
With Cushion
Zippered cushion cover
- Firmly folded around all 4 corners
- Does not slip away!
- Usable on both sides
- Including 2 head-sets
- Head-sets are adjustable in height
- Color: anthracite (dark-grey)
Without table
The table is made of a stainless steel frame, which is powder-coated as well. The panel consists of the same wooden slats as those used for the sunbed. You can change directions of the table, as well as install or remove it easily, with a screw top system.
You can opt for zero, one or two tables to be added to your SunDivan chair. Standard though customers use
one butler-table and they prefer to use it on the backward position because most are right handed
Table frontward
The table is made of a stainless steel frame, which is powder-coated as well. The panel consists of the same wooden slats as those used for the sunbed. You can change directions of the table, as well as install or remove it easily, with a screw top system.
You can opt for zero, one or two tables to be added to your SunDivan chair. Standard though people use one butler-table and they use it on the backward position.
Table backward
The table is made of a stainless steel frame, which is powder-coated as well. The panel consists of the same wooden slats as those used for the sunbed. You can change directions of the table, as well as install or remove it easily, with a screw top system.
You can opt for zero, one or two tables to be added to your SunDivan chair. Standard though people use one butler-table and they use it on the backward position.
Table frontward & backward
The table is made of a stainless steel frame, which is powder-coated as well. The panel consists of the same wooden slats as those used for the sunbed. You can change directions of the table, as well as install or remove it easily, with a screw top system.
You can opt for zero, one or two tables to be added to your SunDivan chair. Standard though people use one butler-table and they use it on the backward position.
Without parasol holder
With parasol holder
Parasol holder
Suitable for any customary parasol with a pole diameter of up to 1,18 inches (30 millimeters). The parasol can
be installed or removed easily utilizing a screw top system.
Our extended sunbed with an integrated locker and customized lock system works awesome for use in public areas like pools, beaches and recreational parks. Guests can leave their valuables at the place feeling perfectly safe.
Please note a SunDivan without a locker cannot be converted retrospectively to one with a locker. Call or mail us for lead times and pricing.
Links & Downloads
For more information about the SunDivan chairs, Kebony wood, warranty and how to treat your SunDivan chair, please see these links and downloads:
The SoulsLounge concept extends where SunDivan stops. The more the merrier ... Up to 4 adults can join a relaxing experience and this is an ideal park-bench replacer. Read a book, enjoy a conversation and just meet new people as you are in the most open and shared public bed-situation ever!
SoulsLounge is a unique experience to enjoy, feel and share.
SoulsLounge is available in Kebony, cedar and larch versions, on customer demand and with relatively short lead times. Feel free to call or mail for the latest price and conditions.